Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Feng Shui 2013 | Singapore| Tai Shui & San Sha

Feng Shui 2013 - Position of Tai Shui & San Sha

Tai Shui : Tai Shui will move to the South-East sector in 2013

San Sha: San Sha will shift to East Sector in 2013

(Note: Do not perform any renovation work at the sector where Tai Shui & San Sha reside in 2013. Keep the area clean and neat to avoid any disturbance at those sectors.)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Feng Shui 2013 - Year of the Yin Fire Snake

Feng Shui 2013 - Remedies, Cures & Boosters

If your main door is facing North-East & expecting Wealth Star 8 in 2013, audited and confirmed by an accredited Feng Shui Master, then you'll need the following remedies and boosters to reinforce the auspicious energy.

Placing a Water Feature with a rolling ball near your door to activate both Water Star (provided the Water Star is auspicious and the combination with the flying star does not create any negative impact) & Flying Star 8. If your Water Star is 8 and next year flying star is also 8 then the water feature will double the auspicious energy. Remember that Water Star represent Wealth! Mountain Star represent health!!! And make sure the ball is rolling inwards not outwards! Better to find a glass-made water feature that would not conflict with the other color elements.

(Note: If the combination of both Water & Mountain stars create an inauspicious energy....and by placing the water feature will boost the negativity and bring inauspicious consequences. Hence, if you find that things are not going well after placing the water feature....remove it asap. Same goes for fish tank.)

For more info. you can visit some useful site from accredited Feng Shui Masters

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Wealth Star 8 Feng Shui - Period 8 Feng Shui (2004-2023) | Singapore

The Great Bell Chant:

(May your heart be awakened by the Great Bell Chant. And may all living things transcend the path of sorrow and death.)

May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the Cosmos...Even in the darkest spots, living beings are able to hear it clearly so that all suffering in them cease. Understanding comes to their heart and they transcend the path of sorrow and death. The universal Dharma door is already open. The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly. The miracle happens; a beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower. One single drop of this compassionate water is enough to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains. Listening to the bell, I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve. My mind calms, my body relaxes.  A smile is born on my lips. Following the sound of the bell, my breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness. In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

Feng Shui Period 8 (2004 - 2023)

Flying Star 8 is the most auspicious wealth star in Period 8. In 2013, flying star 8 will enter North-East sector. North East sector itself is residing on Palace 8 therefore, reinforcing the auspicious energy. If you door is facing North-east, audited and confirmed by an accredited Feng Shui Master, then the wealth energy will be at its strongest in 2013.

However, the Mountain star & Water Star at your main door will affect the energy of the flying star 8. In general, it is still auspicious because it is a wealth star but certain combination can be bad for health & wealth too.

Main Door Facing Combinations
Flying Star 8 + Water Star 1: Wealth Energy is auspicious but might brings sickness to the male occupant of the family that fall under the middle ranking based on number of males & their age in the household (男)。
Flying Star 8 + Water Star 2: Weath energy is strong but mountain star 5 will bring minor accident/incident.
Flying Star 8 + Water Star 3: Brings health issues and affect the youngest male in the family
Flying Star 8 + Water Star 4: Brings health issues and academic disappointment, affect the youngest male in the family
Flying Star 8 + Water Star 5: Good for wealth but minor health issues
Flying Star 8 + Water Star 6: Good academic progress and promotion
Flying Star 8 + Water Star 7: Brings harmony to the family and abundant of wealth

Flying Star 8 + Water Star 8: Strongest Wealth Energy in period 8!!! especially for the youngest male
Flying Star 8 + Water Star 9: Auspicious wealth energy especially for the youngest female in the family

(All information presented is insufficient to draw an accurate conclusion as the reading still subject to the Life & Luck cycle of that individual. If an individual is going through a bad luck cycle,  good Feng Shui will cushion the impacts and maintain harmony.)