Sunday, May 19, 2013

Home - Bazi | Producer from a Movie Cable Network

Bazi Reading - Producer from a Regional Cable Network 

Subject: Female Born in March 1973
Occupation: Producer
Company: Regional Cable Network
Luck Cycle: 2012 - 2021

The subject is working for a regional cable network as a producer for more than 10 years. As you can see from the above chart, she just cross over to her new 10-year cycle. 2012 was an average year for her...but she still had to deal with the politics in office and the heavy workload. In early 2013, her boss resigned and there was an opening and she was hoping for a promotion. For promotion opportunity, we often looks at 官, as the element symbolizes career progress.

You might notice that the element on Earthly branch in 2013 is 官.  So did her wish came through? Nope!  The company decided to hire a new replacement and she has to report to that individual. As mentioned before, for employees....Heavenly stem represents your main career, wealth, reputation etc. Probability of promotion will be much higher if 官 appears on the Heavenly Stem than Earthly Branch. And 食 represent deficit in fame, reputation, achievement etc. To double confirm, I checked her Ziwei Reading and it didn't indicate any auspicious news coming from her career or property palace. (See chart below)

But 官 does create some auspicious energy under the Earthly Branch. Based on the chart above, other opportunity, sideline, might materialize with the help from friends. (See the friend palace on the chart above). But the decision still reside on her even if an opportunity arises. However, the wealth energy for this 10-year cycle is not that auspicious as i mentioned before 财/才 represents negative wealth. Hence, it might not be a good idea to embark on any opportunity but wait for better years. From 2017 onward, luck will be slightly better especially in 2018. Both Heaven Stem and Earth Branch formed 合官成化!A very good year for career progress!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bazi Reading Singapore | Indivudal born on Dec.6, 1983

Bazi Reading Singapore

10 Year Cycle: 2013 - 2022 (Earthly Branch 合财成化)
Analysis: Inauspicious 10 year cycle for wealth creation (Deficit Mode)
Interpretation: The next 10 year cycle depends greatly on the path you choose.

These 3 years were more stable and definitely better than 2012. 

2012 was a trouble year in work, career, wealth and personal health. Level of stress increases significantly when trying to manage & resolve all these challenging issues that might due to work, financial health or medical condition, if any. Were you still employed in 2012???

The wealth palace for 2013 is also inauspicious and capital outflow is high.  Monetary challenges & managing deficit are the key concern this year especially if you are planning to do a business setup.

A mixed signal for year 2014….if you remain as an employee then it is a better year for you. If you are in business, the key concern is still managing cash flow although the business income generation is auspicious. Some trade requires large cash flow credit to operate.

Further analysis is possible but need your contribution & verification on the above.