Subject: Head of Marketing and Investment of an Nuclear Energy Group
Bazi Day Element: Weak Ying Wood (乙木)
Ziwei Chart: 廉贞天府
Year 2013: 地枝會杀成化,天干坐偏印,
Year 2013: 地枝會杀成化,天干坐偏印,
In Feb. 2013, 紫微斗术 reading indicated that 太阳化忌在命宫. The subject lost a major client in the beginning of the year and thus, affecting his major income source. With no other alternative, he started looking for a full time job. After sending out a few resumes in May 2013, he was being offered a senior role in an utility company & it happened within a month! When 杀印相生, it usually symbolizes a year of supporters (贵人) and opportunities. But it might be a painful path and often without much control.
Thereafter, it was a challenging and tedious year for him as there were many obstacles and road blocks on the job. When 會杀成化 occurs, not only that it'll be full of obstacles but a tedious & exhausting year as you need more efforts, time, energy & authority to deal with the challenges ahead. But 會官成化, in comparison with會杀成化, will be less taxing and more compliance from colleagues in achieving your objectives.
Thereafter, it was a challenging and tedious year for him as there were many obstacles and road blocks on the job. When 會杀成化 occurs, not only that it'll be full of obstacles but a tedious & exhausting year as you need more efforts, time, energy & authority to deal with the challenges ahead. But 會官成化, in comparison with會杀成化, will be less taxing and more compliance from colleagues in achieving your objectives.
2014-2023 will be a turning point for this individual as he cross over to an auspicious cycle after 4 decades of roller coaster ride!
Next 10-year cycle elements: 天干合比成化&地支坐偏印
In December, 横财came looking for him. Although the wining is not that significant, 5-figure range, it is indeed an auspicious sign. And often, happenings in year-end will be a good indicative of next year luck. He was also given a pay increment of more than 20% plus unexpected bonus. Also won an attractive phone during the lucky draw contest. It all happened within 3-4 weeks. Followed by winning the 4D third prize in Feb. How will this transition work out for him? To-be-continue!