Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Free Bazi Analysis 2014 - Head of Investment, Global Energy Group

Subject: Head of Marketing and Investment of an Nuclear Energy Group
Bazi Day Element: Weak Ying Wood (乙木)
Ziwei Chart: 廉贞天府
Year 2013: 地枝會杀成化,天干坐偏印,

In Feb. 2013, 紫微斗术 reading indicated that 太阳化忌在命宫. The subject lost a major client in the beginning of the year and thus, affecting his major income source. With no other alternative, he started looking for a full time job.  After sending out a few resumes in May 2013, he was being offered a senior role in an utility company & it happened within a month! When 杀印相生, it usually symbolizes a year of supporters (贵人) and opportunities. But it might be a painful path and often without much control. 

Thereafter, it was a challenging and tedious year for him as there were many obstacles and road blocks on the job. When 會杀成化 occurs, not only that it'll be full of obstacles but a tedious & exhausting year as you need more efforts, time, energy & authority to deal with the challenges ahead. But 會官成化, in comparison with會杀成化, will be less taxing and more compliance from colleagues in achieving your objectives.

2014-2023 will be a turning point for this individual as he cross over to an auspicious cycle after 4 decades of roller coaster ride!

Next 10-year cycle elements: 天干合比成化&地支坐偏印

In December, 横财came looking for him. Although the wining is not that significant, 5-figure range, it is indeed an auspicious sign. And often, happenings in year-end will be a good indicative of next year luck. He was also given a pay increment of more than 20% plus unexpected bonus. Also won an attractive phone during the lucky draw contest. It all happened within 3-4 weeks. Followed by winning the 4D third prize in Feb. How will this transition work out for him? To-be-continue!  

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Feng Shui 2014 - Knowing Your Luck Cycle (甲午年)

Do I have Good Bazi?

As many of your might know that having a good Bazi is like having a strong foundation in your life. With the auspicious pre-requisites embedded on your Bazi, you are just waiting for the auspicious luck cycle to unearth your wealth!!!

For wealth, depending on your day element classification or 日柱的旺弱格局, we are looking for these few pre-requisite below.


 Let’s take for example of a weak Ying Wood element, if , or both are embedded on your Bazi then it has the pre-requisites but we still have to take the rest of the elements into consideration. But bare minimally, it is a good news if both the elements remain as its original form. ( I will not elaborate in details on the combination).
If both the wealth elements are present on 天干&地枝of the last Bazi pillar then it is highly possible that you will be financially secure during old age. But whether you will retired as a millionaire greatly depends on your luck cycle.

Strong Combinations
會局, 三合, 六合

If your Bazi is pre-requisite with the wealth elements and these elements are formed based on strong combinations, the wealth energy is magnify! And if you were to run into a 10-year cycle carrying these combination of wealth elements….your wealth luck will be its strongest during these 10 years. Within the 10 years, look out for the yearly cycle that holds the wealth element or these combinations! It’ll be your windfall year!!! But I can’t advise you on your ROI as it still depends on your Bazi Pillars. But you definitely will work away richer. (Depending on your Bazi foundation)

Therefore, it is always important to know when are your auspicious 10-year cycles are arriving! That is the reason why some individuals strike rich before their 40s but end up bankrupt at a later stage! There are also many individuals that struggles through their early years or before 40 but wealth energy improves or magnify in the later years. Of course, there are those few elite Bazi that are being categorized as gifted, and these individuals have no worries on material needs across their life. Sadly, majority of the population belongs to the average and below category.

Identifying your good luck cycle is crucial for your career and wealth. During inauspicious cycle, minimize risk, be cautious and allocate a buffer for raining days. During the good luck cycle, there’ll be more money-making opportunities. So does it make sense to include luck analysis on your investment portfolio? You bet! I would consider this a part of risk analysis and advise all my friends to take it seriously. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Free Bazi Analysis 2014 | Free Ziwei Analysis 2014 | Free Feng Shui Advice 2014 |

Dear all,

I am currently over stretch at work and would not be able to attend to some many incoming requests for free bazi, ziwei and feng shui analysis. I will only give priority to those requests that provide sufficient information below and also provide an account of their life to make it easier when selecting the chart. I can only revert to those individual during the weekend.

I am doing this not for monetary gain but out of goodwill to help those in need. Hence, I'll not entertain those requests or individuals that don't even bother to submit those information I requested. Please don't waste your time and mine too. Many thanks.

Information required
Country of Birth: Asia only
Date of birth:
Birth time: must be accurate
2 best years and elaborate
2 worst years and elaborate

Email Address:
Hotmail security code has caused my email to cease! Thanks


Monday, August 19, 2013

2014 Year of the Fire Horse | The next Asia Financial Crisis?

2014 Year of the Fire Horse | Forecast 2014 

For the past 6 months, many case studies being documented by me indicates inauspiciousness in the career palace for many individuals.  The Sun, known as the primary star in the career palace in Ziwei Dou Shui, turns negative or 化忌 either at main palace or career palace for year 2014. Many Bazi readings indicate deficit in wealth, fame, recognition and inauspiciousness in career palace for the year 2014.

When there is such a large quantity of case studies pointing towards this direction, it might means a financial storm is approaching. And if both the Bazi and Ziwei analysis are consistent on the interpretation then the higher the probability scale of such crisis. 

And I also notice there is this small group of individuals whose luck improves significantly during crisis. When majority is suffering, they are flourishing both in career and wealth. It is a good comparison mechanism to establish the correlation. 

Back to fundamentals, as many of your might notice that liquidity is pulling out of Asia recently causing interest rate to increase. Many investment bankers already foresee this happening in their forecast. Governments in Asia have to mobilize their reserves to stabilize their currencies. Hence, it is not a good news for many small medium enterprises, same goes for the economy. Any major hiccup in the next 6 months might send a shock shave across Asia. Well, I think our government is prepare for this given the hints by them through mass media. But whether are the commoners ready for the impact! 

Regardless whether you will be retrench or not, it is better to have a contingency plan to better prepare yourself for the worst. 

1) Start saving for raining days
2) Cut down expense
3) Scale down your investment portfolio
4) Have more cash on hand
5) Minimize risks
6) Calculate your family expenditure and reference it with your saving to see whether you reserve can help you pull through this crisis if being retrenched

For business owners;

  • Scale down new projects
  • Better cost management
  • Lower business risks
  • Lock in more contracts

(The above analysis is for reference only)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Bazi Reading | Risk Management on Wealth Forecast |

Bazi Reading | Risk Management on Wealth Forecast |

Establishing a forecast on wealth energy might keep you better inform and prepare when managing risk in business or career. It is not too difficult to establish a correlation between past data and future forecast. Let’s take for example on the sample chart below.

Subject: Taiwanese
Feedback from Subject indicated below.

2002: Stock Market Gain (refer to Earthly Branch)
2010: Large unexpected gain in wealth (refer to Earthly Branch)
2012: Huge monetary loss (refer to both Heavenly stem & Earthly branch)
2000: Loss of wealth

Based on feedback from the subject, we are able to draw some simple conclusion that the subject has access to main and secondary income. The main income might be stagnant while the secondary income fluctuates on a higher scale due to a higher risk from stocks market.
Based on the 10 year cycle from 2001 – 2010, only 2002 and 2010 indicated positive wealth energy, earthly branch, from secondary income. And the next equivalent will be on 2013. However, it is difficult to accurately predict the scale of the wealth generation but we can conclude that it is likely to be average & above based on past reference. (Note that expectation on scale varies among individuals) However, there is no indication of strong wealth generation on the 10-year pillar. Thus, the limitation kicks in. If there is indication on the 10-year pillar, the frequency of positive wealth generation might increase significantly and the scale is likely to be higher.

Hence, a short-term gain is insignificant compare to a sustainable gain in the long term. It is through this estimation that we can better manage our risk and minimize investment during inauspicious years. And when you study your chart and identify the positive wealth element, you can better calculate the business or investment risk based on your own judgment. Usually, in an auspicious 10-year cycle, you’ll see red color elements across a few years. Hence, the probability scale of a higher return on investment is more likely and the risk is reduced. Of course, there will still be bad years in a good 10-year cycle but on a lesser scale. Hence, you net operating profit should be higher than other 10-years cycle.

As for 2012, there is obvious indication on Ziwei chat on cash flow issue. The wealth star turn negative in 2012 and it represents loss of income, discontinue of income, financial difficulties etc. Whenever the wealth star turns negative….it is going to be a trouble year for wealth. For Bazi, the element  “qi sa” will bring upon certain negative impact even though it appears red in your chart. I can conclude that it’ll cause some major impacts on that year and later delivers a compromised alternative. Hence, be wary of this element.  

Friday, July 12, 2013

Bazi Reading Singapore | 4D Luck & Lottery Luck of S$160,000 |

Bazi - 4D Luck & Lottery Luck of S$160,000

My previous case study was on a procurement director that is going through a bad 10-year cycle in wealth and career. He is unemployed since 2009 and still searching around for job.  As mentioned earlier, there are still good years in a bad 10-year cycle but the impact will not be significant. However, 1-2 better years still can provides a cushion to the negativity within the bad 10-year period. But I never expect such a significant twist of faith for him.

Mid June 2013, sudden windfall landed on him. His lottery luck rolled in SGD160,000 cash in June 2013 from 4D. When I audit his house, Flying Star 8 was boosted by Water Star 9 in 2013. But even with this auspiciousness, It does not guaranteed any 4D or lottery luck. Many Bazi Masters might attribute his lottery luck to 成化 as it represent Unexpected Income.  Regardless, there are many similarity case studies but the probability of such occurrence is still insignificant to draw any conclusion.  

He was laughing all the way to the bank and still smiling till today. This sudden windfall has replenished majority part of his income loss estimated based on the past 4 years. I have to admit that such occurrence is often difficult to predict, sometimes some Bazi Masters notice that the wealth luck for this month or the next few months are more auspicious and told you to invest some money on 4D or lottery. But it does not mean that you will strike for sure! Naturally, when you are going through a good year cycle or good 10-year cycle, Bazi Masters will advise you to take more risks and go all out in your career or business or buy some 4D…..But still, you still have to do your own risk assessment or have an alternative hedging mechanism as contingency for your business.  

He’ll be spending some quality time in London. Luck will gradually pick up for him especially next year when the wealth energy is stronger than 2013…..Guys…it does not mean he’ll strike more 4D..….of course I wish him heng heng lah…we shall see…..Thanks for taking the time to read my article. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Home - Bazi | Producer from a Movie Cable Network

Bazi Reading - Producer from a Regional Cable Network 

Subject: Female Born in March 1973
Occupation: Producer
Company: Regional Cable Network
Luck Cycle: 2012 - 2021

The subject is working for a regional cable network as a producer for more than 10 years. As you can see from the above chart, she just cross over to her new 10-year cycle. 2012 was an average year for her...but she still had to deal with the politics in office and the heavy workload. In early 2013, her boss resigned and there was an opening and she was hoping for a promotion. For promotion opportunity, we often looks at 官, as the element symbolizes career progress.

You might notice that the element on Earthly branch in 2013 is 官.  So did her wish came through? Nope!  The company decided to hire a new replacement and she has to report to that individual. As mentioned before, for employees....Heavenly stem represents your main career, wealth, reputation etc. Probability of promotion will be much higher if 官 appears on the Heavenly Stem than Earthly Branch. And 食 represent deficit in fame, reputation, achievement etc. To double confirm, I checked her Ziwei Reading and it didn't indicate any auspicious news coming from her career or property palace. (See chart below)

But 官 does create some auspicious energy under the Earthly Branch. Based on the chart above, other opportunity, sideline, might materialize with the help from friends. (See the friend palace on the chart above). But the decision still reside on her even if an opportunity arises. However, the wealth energy for this 10-year cycle is not that auspicious as i mentioned before 财/才 represents negative wealth. Hence, it might not be a good idea to embark on any opportunity but wait for better years. From 2017 onward, luck will be slightly better especially in 2018. Both Heaven Stem and Earth Branch formed 合官成化!A very good year for career progress!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bazi Reading Singapore | Indivudal born on Dec.6, 1983

Bazi Reading Singapore

10 Year Cycle: 2013 - 2022 (Earthly Branch 合财成化)
Analysis: Inauspicious 10 year cycle for wealth creation (Deficit Mode)
Interpretation: The next 10 year cycle depends greatly on the path you choose.

These 3 years were more stable and definitely better than 2012. 

2012 was a trouble year in work, career, wealth and personal health. Level of stress increases significantly when trying to manage & resolve all these challenging issues that might due to work, financial health or medical condition, if any. Were you still employed in 2012???

The wealth palace for 2013 is also inauspicious and capital outflow is high.  Monetary challenges & managing deficit are the key concern this year especially if you are planning to do a business setup.

A mixed signal for year 2014….if you remain as an employee then it is a better year for you. If you are in business, the key concern is still managing cash flow although the business income generation is auspicious. Some trade requires large cash flow credit to operate.

Further analysis is possible but need your contribution & verification on the above. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Great Bell Chant | The Universal Dharma Door | Lightworkers |

The Great Bell Chant: 
(May your heart be awakened by the Great Bell Chant. And may all living things transcend the path of sorrow and death.)

May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the Cosmos...Even in the darkest spots, living beings are able to hear it clearly so that all suffering in them cease. Understanding comes to their heart and they transcend the path of sorrow and death... 

The universal Dharma door is already open. The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly. The miracle happens; a beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower. One single drop of this compassionate water is enough to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains. 

Listening to the bell, I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve. My mind calms, my body relaxes.  A smile is born on my lips. Following the sound of the bell, my breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness. In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

(If there is ever a time when you feel that you have reach the darkest moment in your life and that destiny has driven you to the edge of the cliff………..listen to your heart …..let your heart be your guide and free yourself from the pain.  
“The Great Bell Chant” calms your soul, relaxes your mind…..and brings you back to the safe island of mindfulness. Sudhu Sudhu Sudhu)     

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Montly Flying Star Chat 2013 | Flying Stars for April | April 5 - May 5 Flying Stars | Singapore Feng Shui Masters | Feng Shui Masters Singapore |

Feng Shui Monthly Flying Star Chat 2013 | Flying Star April 5 - May 5 

North : Star 5
South: Star 4
East: Star 7
West: Star 2
North-East: Star 3
South-East: Star 8
South-West: 6
north-West: 1

Flying Stars Forward Sequencing

Period 7 Sample Chart

The flying stars sequencing begins at the center palace. Observe the flow of the chart.
Center - North West - West - North East - South - North - South West - East - South East

Flying stars 2013 | Star 5 - Star 6 - Star 7 - Star 8 - Star 9 - Star 1 - Star 2 - Star 3 - Star 4
Flying Stars 2014 | Star 4 - Star 5 - Star 6 - Star 7 - Star 8 - Star 9 - Star 1 - Star 2 - Star 3
Flying Stars 2015 | Star 3 - Star 4 - Star 5 - Star 6 - Star 7 - Star 8 - Star 9 - Star 1 - Star 2

To simplify, use chart 2013 as reference and subtract one from the number at the existing palace every subsequent year and you'll get the yearly flying stars. Same apply to the monthly flying stars!
Please note that this method is only one of the 2 ways to determine Water Stars and Mountain Stars as certain period and angle facing require the reverse methodology.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Flying Stars 2013 | Feng Shui 2013 | 2013 Feng Shui | 2013 Flying Stars | Feng Shui remedies | Feng Shui Masters Singapore | Singapore Feng Shui Masters

Flying Stars 2013 | Feng Shui Audit Process | Q&A

1) Compass Reading | HDB | Terrace Houses | Condo.

 Measuring compass degree of your HDB flats & Condominiums is probably one of the most tedious process unlike Terrace and Semi-detached houses. This is due to the irregular structure of the building and unit thus, making it challenging to establish a parallel position when taking direction and compass degree. Therefore, measurement must be taken on all 4 directions of the building (regardless whether it is rectangular, squarish or circular shape) to minimize discrepancy and narrow down the variation in order to establish a more accurate degree facing of your building. Thereafter, proceed to your house or unit for measurement. 

Sample: Measurement of the building taken for Unit 1 

Generally, there are many interference within a household such as mobile signal, Wifi, electronic appliances, metallic objects etc. that will affect the compass reading. You can conduct the compass reading experiment by taking the direction and degree at your main door. Thereafter, move back 8-10 steps and compare the readings and variations. Hence, internal compass reading is used to reinforce the external reading.    

2) Plotting the Flying Stars Chart on your floor plan based on the compass degree

After confirmation on your building and unit degree facing, locate the Feng Shui Period of the house. If the building is constructed after 2004, it belongs to Period 8 segment. Based on the confirmed degree facing, e.g. 225 degree, locate the Period 8 chart based on this degree. 

Sample: Illustration chart only - Period 8 at 225 degree (not actual chart)

Thereafter, establish the center point of your floor plan and then use a compass ruler to plot out the 8 directions. Insert the flying stars of Period 8 based on 225 degree above onto the floor plan.    

Sample: Illustration Only - Audited Floor Plan (not the actual chart)

3) Plotting the flying stars chart onto your master bed room and guest rooms

The last step is to plot out the flying stars for the individual rooms based on the established chart above.

Sample: Illustration only - Bed Room Chart

4) Understanding the Flying Star Chart and arriving at cures and remedies

After plotting out a complete chart, it is time to analyze the individual sectors of the chart based on the flying stars combination and effects on each of the sector.

Priority Level on Sectors - Evaluate the individual sector based on the priority below

1) Flying Stars at the Main Building Facing sector
2) Flying Stars at the Main door sector 
3) Flying Stars at the Center sector
4) Flying Stars at the Kitchen or Stove sector
5) Flying Stars at the Room door Sector

(Note that the above priorities can be in between of 2 sectors)

Thereafter, understand the stars combination and the Feng Shui effects. Remedies and cures are meant to reinforce the good sector or drain or minimize the inauspicious energy away from the bad sector.

Note: The above information is for your understanding on how an audit process take place. It is insufficient for you to conduct your own audit unless you have the necessary information. Always rely on your personal exposure, experiences and intuition on the energy level and energy flow resulted from the remedies. Based on your and your family members experiences, you will be able to decide on the effectiveness of the remedies in creating an harmonious ambience for you or your family.

5) Xuan Kong Feng Shui versus Common sense

a) Firstly, please don't blindly believe in Feng Shui. Find out more on Google before deciding.

b) Secondly, understand the different type of Feng Shui & institutions that you hope to engage in.

c) Thirdly, don't ever mystify Xuan Kong Feng Shui with Spiritual Feng Shui, if there is any.

d) Fourthly, be logical and rational in setting your Feng Shui ROI. Feng Shui wouldn't turn you into a millionaire for sure. And I believe that NO Feng Shui Masters would dare to gurantee you on this or on any specific monetary returns unless he/she saw it on your Bazi or Zewei.

e) Many Practitioners, including me, believe that  命,运 & 风水 are all interdependent.And its degree of impact on an indivisual is highly subjective & debatable.  

f) Only you are able to experience whether the auspicious or harmonious energy level of your premises has improved after an audit. Nobody else can verify the effects other than yourself and your family members. 

g) Lastly, please manage your expectation!!! Don't expect Feng Shui to do miracle.... 

6) Audit Process 

 If you require any information on auditing process, leave me a comment. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Home - Bazi Reading Singapore | Bazi Analysis Singapore | Bazi Case Study: Chief Operating Office & Former Procurement Director of MNCs | Singapore Bazi Masters | Bazi Masters in Singapore | Ziwei Dou Shui Masters in Singapore |

The Great Bell Chant

(May your heart be awakened by the Great Bell Chant. And may all living things transcend the path of sorrow and death.)

May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the Cosmos...Even in the darkest spots, living beings are able to hear it clearly so that all suffering in them cease. Understanding comes to their heart and they transcend the path of sorrow and death. The universal Dharma door is already open. The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly. The miracle happens; a beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower. One single drop of this compassionate water is enough to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains. Listening to the bell, I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve. My mind calms, my body relaxes.  A smile is born on my lips. Following the sound of the bell, my breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness. In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

Bazi DIY - Understanding the 4 Pillars of Destiny

Simple illustration on the 4 Pillars of Destinry

Basic principles that you have to understand before analysizing your Bazi Chart!

1) Leave me your date of birth with your birth time plus 2 best years so far as an anonymous source. I'll then generate the chart and post it on my blog for your viewing.

a) Heavenly Stem: Your career, wealth, status, achievements etc. that are visible and known to others. e.g. physical assets

b) Earthly Branch: The foundation of your wealth, career, relationships with family members including parents etc. that might not be visible or known to others.

2) Self Analysis: Identify your main element located on the heavenly stem of your day pillar. (refer to the red circle above). And determine whether your element belongs to the weak status or strong status - My software will auto determine your status but verification of good years is still required. Although, I'll rectify your actual element and its status but it'll be good for you to understand your day element. You can google on your day element to find out more (e.g. 甲木日柱旺)

3) Based on the chart I posted on my blog, Red color element represents the element that you need to boost or reinforce your day element. Therefore, the red color elements or the 10-year elements are suppose to be auspicious for you theoretically. Green color elements represents a mixture of auspicious and inauspisious elements. While the Blue color elements represent the inauspicious elements. Please refer to the 10-year cycles chart below as reference.

4) The auspicious & inauspicious elements - Meanings and Definitions

Auspicious Elements of Weak Status: e.g.甲木日柱

Auspicious Element
劫:Represent wealth, income or monetary gain from main career/job or main business (Surplus)

比:   Represent side income or monetary gain from partnership, inheritance, accidental wealth, stocks, bonds (if any) etc. not from main career or job

印/ Represent fame, status, progress, reputation, supporters, academic achievements etc. 

Conditional Element
官: Is only usable when there is either 印/卪on the heavenly stem. Or else, it falls under the inauspicious element category. It means authority, advancement, dominance, promotion etc. that are related to your career.

杀: Same pre-requisite as above. It means authoritarian leadership, rule by the fist, alpha role in the team, and would not hesitate to eliminate opposing force etc.

Inauspicious Elements
财/才:represent deficit in wealth or income or saving due to reasons such as unemployment, costly medical bills, losses in stocks or bad investment, business failure etc.

伤/食:represent disputes, disagreement, decision on certain issues that affect your reputation, trustworthiness, social or career status. Might result in demotion, reassignment or redeployment that is not favorable to you.

Auspicious Elements of Strong Status: e.g.甲木日柱

财: Represent wealth, income or monetary gain from main career/job or main business (Surplus)

才: Represent side income or monetary gain from partnership, inheritance, accidental wealth, stocks, bonds (if any) etc. not from main career or job

官: Is only usable when there is NO 印/卪on the heavenly stem. Or else, it falls under the inauspicious element category. It means authority, advancement, dominance, promotion etc. that are related to your career.

杀: Same pre-requisite as above. It means authoritarian leadership, rule by the fist & fear, alpha role in the team, and would not hesitate to eliminate opposing force etc.

劫/比: Represent deficit in wealth or income or saving due to reasons such as unemployment, costly medical bills, losses in stocks or bad investment, business failure etc.

印/卪: Represent disputes, disagreement, decision on certain issues that affect your reputation, trustworthiness, social or career status. Might result in demotion, reassignment or redeployment that is not favorable to you.

5) Based on the above information, you should be able to perform simple analysis on your past years and the elements associated with it so to self-determine the auspicious and inauspicious years.

(note that te above information can only provide simple bazi analysis & not sufficient to go in depth)

6) Analyzing the auspicious luck cycle (10-year cycle)

Subject: Strong Yang Wood
Age: 44 - 53
Period: 甲辰


The wealth energy of the subject between 44-53 is rather auspicious as both Heavenly stem and Earthly branch are both 才. Hence, the strength of the element, 才, is reinforce due to the foundation or (有根). However, as indicated above, the wealth or income from 才 doesn't comes from your main career, job or business. The income generation comes from sidelines, partnership, stocks and bonds investment, assets investment, inheritance (if any), accidental wealth etc. resulting in surplus. If the subject is an employee and does not has much income coming from the sidelines, partnership or investments then the actual surplus might not be significant at all, and at most... an average year for the subject. But it wouldn't be a bad year.

Secondly, you probably have to check whether the original 4 pillars consist of  财/才. If it is present on the 4 pillar and you get to meet either one of the element on the 10-year cycle, it'll reinforce the original foundation and the enery will be stronger.

Thirdly, check the heavenly stem of the 4 pillars to find out whether there is a booster element, also an auspicious element. In the subject case, the boosters are either 伤 or 食. Do take note that each of the element has a Ying or Yang association. Hence, opposite element (伤-Yang + 才-Ying) or (食-Ying + 财-Yang) will generate a greater force and boost the auspicious energy further. While the impact for (食-Ying + 才Ying) or (伤-Yang + 财-Yang) are weaker but still auspicious.

Lastly, go down to the individual year and then eveluate based on the same principles. Do take the original 4 pillars and 10-year cycle into considerations. Hence, there are 4 Pillars + 10-Year Cycle Pillar (total of 5 pillars now).

7) How to determine a good 10-year cycle. Sample Case 101

Luck Cycle Analysis:

Subject: Male born in March 22, 1972
10-year Cycle: 2007 - 2016

As you can see from the above chart that instead of using 官 & 印, we adopt 财 instead,,, as both the elements 丁&未 have merged with other elements on the original four pillars of destiney to from 合财成化 & 半财成化 on the 10 year cycle. Hence, both Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch are 财局, resulting in strong wealth energy.

In 2007, the 10-year cycle wealth energy is further boosted by the year element whereby 合财成化 on 2007 heavenly stem is reinforce by its root, 會财成化. Theoretically, the wealth energy is at its strongest in 2007. strong was the wealth generation? Did the subject becomes a millionaire? The answer is NO! In Bazi reading, you have to be logical and practical. No matter how strong the wealth energy was, if the subject was just an employee...then the income or wealth generation was limited or caped at a certain level. The only monetary return was bonus or at most, profit sharing with restriction. However, if the subject was running his own business or had other partnership businesses then it's a different story. The monetary return will definitely be stronger compare to an employee.

A) Employees - Middle Management staffs: Likely to be able to forecast the maximum return you can get from pay increment, bonus & profit sharing etc. if the above descrption in found within your chart. Be realistic on your analysis.

B) Senior Management: Bonus and profit sharing can varies among different MNCs. The paid out from MNCs is generally better then SMEs. Hence, the income generation will be better if the above description is found within your chart. But still, the monetary return might not be in millions unless you are board directors of many entities, collecting loyalty. Or you have other businesses and you are the majority shareholders.

C) Businessmen: Individuals running their own businesses are the most sensitive group to the above description above as it'll be their best time to capitalize on the positive wealth energy. Their monetary returns can varies from a decent return to millions of dollars. However, you will still be able to forecast the potential returns on your business. But there'll always be new and exciting business opportunities arising during this auspicious period. Hence, it's more difficult to predict the monetary gain.

D) The subject above is the Chief Operating Office of a foreign MNC in South-East Asia. He is a close friend of mine since childhood. In 2007, his monetary gain was only limited to bonus and profit sharing from his company. The monetary return from his main career is only at an average level. There was no other income from personal business or trade. Hence, when analyzing the wealth energy, please consider the potential return of his profession before drawing conclusion.

8) How to determine a bad 10-year cycle. Sample Case 102

Luck Cycle Analysis:

Subject: Former Procurement Director of MNC
Gender: Male
DOB: Jan. 18, 1964
10-year Cycle: 2007 - 2016 (Blue Color)

As you can see from the above highlighted period that both the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch form  合才成化 & 才杀食. Hence, both the pillars fall under the inauspicious wealth energy category. The subject was reassigned from a permanent role to a consultant role between 2007 to 2008. And the consultancy role was terminated in end 2008. Hence, the subject has remain unemploy for the past 4 years since 2009. The 10-year cycle was inauspicious for wealth and reinforced by the yearly cycle from 2009 - 2012. The income contribution of the subject was strictly from employment. There wasn't any other type of income from business or partnership. Even if the Earthly Branch ( ) is auspicious but, without other source of doesn't help much. For the past 4-5 years, he has been on deficit without any other form of income. 2013 - 2014 might brings some reliefs but provided there are other source of monetary gain. He is currently attempting to generate some return from trade partnership. Would he be able to yield any return? We shall see......

9) How to determine a good 10-year cycle for Business. Sample Case 103

Luck Cycle Analysis:

Subject: Business Owner of a Fabricating Company in Singapore
Gender: Male
DOB: born on May 20, 1970
10-year Cycle: 2005 - 2014
Element: Weak Yang Mental

As you can see from the highlighted chart above, the 10-year cycle Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch formed 合成化 & 半成化 at the fourth pillar dating 2005-2014. It is an auspicious period for monetary generation as the wealth energy is very strong. And given the fact that both  劫 &  are both presents on the original 4 pillars of Destiny, it is indeed auspicious.

The subject was able to secured funding from angel investors and started his business in 2005. The first 2 years were not easy as he was building up his portfolio and customers' base. Like many new setups, he was facing cash-flow issues & strong competitions. In 2007 & 2008, business slowly stabilized and sales volume increased. However, the returns were still below his expectation. Between 2009 -2011, his luck improved significantly....high volume based opportunities flooded in and he was working with developers on larger scale projects. As you can see from 2009-2012, it was 4 years of   consecutively either on Heavenly stem, Earthly Branch or both. Sales demand was high but, the return was still below his expectation. This was due to the profit sharing arrangement that he had with with Angel investors. Most profit generated... flow out and back to the investors, leaving the company with cash flow shortage at times. Although his wealth generation was strong but, his return is still average.

In 2013, 合杀成化 on Heavenly Stem and 半成化 on Earthly Branch. In the early part of 2013, sales demand suddenly increased 3-4 folds! It's the best year so far due to the sudden in-flood of big contracts. However, as he moves closer to 2014.....there might be a sudden occurance to his business that might cause serve impact to the future of the company based on my readings. Next year, Ziwei dou Shu reading indicates that the year star, 太阳化忌在午宫, turn negative. Although, the sun reaches its most auspicious palace at 午宫 and radiates the most energy in this palace...but once it turns negative, there is a high chance that it'll affect his career or his dad as the sun is the main star of the career palace in Ziwei Dou Shui and also represents the father. Bazi for 2014 is also not auspicious cause of 才and it is the last year of the 10-year cycle. Many of us consider this period as the transition year before moving into a new 10-year cycle. But I sincerely hope that he'll be able to overcome the future difficulties that he might face, if any.

Free Bazi Analysis | Bazi Chart | Bazi Online | Bazi Reading | Bazi 100 Years Cycle

Free Bazi Reading - Bazi & Ziwei reading for the zodiac, just leave me your date of birth together with birth time on the commentary section and I'll post it as anonymous or based on your nick name given. Please view the sample below. The Bazi & Ziwei chart will be able to map out your "Day Element - weak or strong, ying or yang" and your 10-year luck cycle, follow by yearly luck cycle. The Bazi chart is similar to those use by Bazi Masters, only the interpretation varies. Hence, it'll be useful to acquire your chart before going for your Bazi consultation.

On the Bazi chart, Red means above average, green means average and blue is below average. Please provide 2 of your best years for reference as there are few potential charts. Good years are suppose to be red in colors so verification critical. Thereafter, you can drill down to your yearly luck cycle. If your 10-year cycle is auspicious, the yearly cycle will have the potential to generate more auspicious energy for your career and wealth. Please take note that the chart is not meant to predict your destiny. It is used by many Masters to forecast the good and bad years based on the elements of that year and how this yearly element affects your own elements. For those individuals that have went through Bazi courses, this chart serve as a reference for them to better understand the luck and wealth energy for 2013.

As for Ziwei reading , the chart will provide you an idea on your life by detailing the stars in each of the 12 palaces, from your life palace, career, wealth, parents to spouse palace etc. Once you find out the dominant stars on your life palace, you'll be able to Google on it and obtain more information on the various characteristics and associations that this or this pair of stars have on you in different perspective from career, wealth to health.

Information Required
Gender: M/F
DOB & Time: Day/Month/Year (Your Country Timing)
Country: Asia (US & Europe is on the different hemisphere hence, reading is unavailable)
2 Best Years: (Indicate whether is it due to Wealth from Career or Business, Career Enhancement or High Return on Investment like equity, stock market, property etc.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Free Bazi Reading | Bazi Analysis | Ziwei Analysis | Ziwei Reading on Female born Feb.11,1978 | Bazi Masters in Singapore |

Bazi Chart - Female born on Feb. 11, 1978 Between 11am-1pm

Bazi Chart A - Strong Yang Wood Element

Most of the 10-year cycles are auspicious or average and above. Age 43 - 52 will be an auspicious ten year cycle for wealth generation. But is this your chart? My interpretation on this chart: 1993 & 2011 is auspicious for career and a chance for promotion. While 2009 is better for wealth. But if you are an employee....even if the wealth energy is strong, you might not feel it as you are salary based. But for business owners, the impact will be very auspicious and obvious. Both chart points to disruption in parent palace.

Bazi Chart B - Weak Yang Wood Element

Most of the ten-year cycles are inauspicious categorized by blue color. And the traditional way of determining whether you belong to the weak or strong element point to this chart. Based on the chart above, year 2009 was very bad for income or wealth. You need to verify this. Both chart points to disruption in parent palace.

Ziwei Chart Analysis - 七杀坐命在申

Main Palace:
In Ziwei Analysis, 七杀 is classified as the mid-level General assigned to govern the defend of the country. He/She is a good defender and aggressor during warfare, able to strike and defend at the same time. The generic characteristics of 七杀: Strong headed, determine and will not bend under pressure by external forces, superiority, authority, danger, stress etc.  A leader by nature and behave independently and do not always follow or obey instruction by boss or superior or seniority.

The chart indicates that there will definitely be an inauspicious period that will cause disturbance in life from career, relationship to financial difficulties. And its occurrence is of sudden nature and will take you by surprise! It also indicates that you tend to meet more supporters in your career who are willing to provides their support and guidance. Hence, you stand more to gain from these supporters in your business or career.

Career Palace: 破軍 or infantry often symbolizes new changes bought upon by doing away with the old ways of dealing & managing business or process or methodology. It also means new revolution, idea, business opportunity or career advancement. This star also means mobility and accepting challenges again and again. And often after completion of a current task, redeploy to another area of expertise as the infantry never rest and always on the move. It is always a tedious and exhausting process coupled with high level of stress and anxiety for 破軍.

Wealth palace: 贪狼化禄...income generation should not have much obstacles. In fact, it is auspicious based on the chart and there isn't lack on materialistic needs.

Personality Palace: Placing lots of focus, resources and energy on pursuing the materialistic needs in life or trying to hard on the road to wealth.

Summary: The above ziwei analysis is based on the main palace or 命盘 or the foundation pillar. However, inepth analysis will be on the 运盘 or luck as it is more critical to see how things unfold in the year cycle. But for chart that consist of 杀破狼, it is usually rather disruptive in career, wealth, family and personal relationship. There are more obstacles, challenges and road blocks along the way.

Luck Cycle Analysis

1993: For employee, bonus was good and there might be career advancement opportunity, For businesses, a good year to make money. But health was not auspicious.

2006: It is a trouble year in 2006. Cash flow problem resulting in anxiety & stress. 

2010: Health palace was in auspicious. Income still healthy but sudden expenditure or capital outflow resulting in large deficit..

2011: Wealth energy was stronger because of 日月反背…and the stars were auspicious contributing to the wealth energy, Please refer closely to 太阴化權 & 太陽化客., whenever the year cycle stop at either one of the would be auspicious if the star is at harmony.  

2013: Average year but the energy at wealth palace is weak. And pay more attention to your health. 

2018: Auspicious year for career and wealth. It will be less tedious and capital inflow will be easier and faster compares to previous years.

(Please rely on the above chart and google for more information on the stars and the palace it resides to have a better understanding of your life analysis. I am only providing a generic analysis without in depth analysis.)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bazi Reading Singapore - Subject: Chief Operating Officer of an Indonesia MNC | Bazi Reading - Subject: Former Procurement Director of an French MNC | 4 Pillars of Destiny |

The Great Bell Chant
May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the Cosmos...Even in the darkest spots, living beings are able to hear it clearly so that all suffering in them cease. Understanding comes to their heart and they transcend the path of sorrow and death. The universal Dharma door is already open. The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly. The miracle happens; a beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower. One single drop of this compassionate water is enough to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains. Listening to the bell, I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve. My mind calms, my body relaxes.  A smile is born on my lips. Following the sound of the bell, my breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness. In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

How to determine a good 10-year cycle. Sample case 101

Luck Cycle Analysis:

Subject: Chief Operating Officer of a Foreign MNC (Indonesia)
Gender: Male
DOB: born on March 22, 1972
10-year Cycle: 2007 - 2016

As you can see from the above highlighted chart that instead of using 官 & 印, we adopt 财 instead,,, as both the elements 丁&未 have merged with other elements on the original four pillars of destiney to from 合财成化 & 半财成化 on the 10 year cycle. Hence, both Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch are 财局, resulting in strong wealth energy. (Refers to the article below to understand the elements & definitions)

In 2007, the 10-year cycle wealth energy is further boosted by the year element whereby 合财成化 on 2007 heavenly stem is reinforce by its root, 會财成化. Theoretically, the wealth energy is at its strongest in 2007. strong was the wealth generation? Did the subject become a millionaire? The answer is NO! In Bazi reading, you have to be logical and practical. No matter how strong the wealth energy was, if the subject was just an employee...then the income or wealth generation was limited or caped at a certain level. The only monetary return was bonus or at most, profit sharing with restriction. However, if the subject was running his own business, board directors of many MNCs or had other partnership businesses then it's a different story. The monetary return will definitely be stronger compare to a single income from employment.

A) Employees - Middle Management staffs: Likely to be able to forecast the maximum return you can get from pay increment, bonus & profit sharing etc. if the above description in found within your chart. Be realistic on your analysis.

B) Senior Management: Bonus and profit sharing can varies among different MNCs. The paid out from MNCs is generally better then SMEs. Hence, the income generation will be better if the above description is found within your chart. But still, the monetary return might not be in millions unless you are board directors of many entities, collecting loyalty. Or you have other businesses and you are the majority shareholders.

C) Businessmen: Individuals running their own businesses are the most sensitive group to the above description above as it'll be their best time to capitalize on the positive wealth energy. Their monetary returns can varies from a decent return to millions of dollars. However, you will still be able to forecast the potential returns on your business. But there'll always be new and exciting business opportunities arising during this auspicious period. Hence, it's more difficult to predict the monetary gain.

The subject above is the Chief Operating Office of a foreign MNC in South-East Asia. He is a close friend of mine since childhood. In 2007, his monetary gain was only limited to bonus and profit sharing from his company. The monetary return from his main career is only at an average level although some would consider comfortable. There was no other income from personal business or trade. Hence, when analyzing the wealth energy, please consider the potential return of his profession before drawing conclusion.

How to determine a bad 10-year cycle. Sample Case 102

Luck Cycle Analysis:

Subject: Former Procurement Director of a French MNC
Gender: Male
DOB: Jan. 18, 1964
10-year Cycle: 2007 - 2016 (Blue Color)

As you can see from the above highlighted period that both the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch form  合才成化 & 才杀食 on the 10-yearcycle pillar. Hence, both the pillars fall under the inauspicious wealth energy category. The subject was reassigned from a permanent role to a consultant role between 2007 to 2008. And the consultancy role was terminated in end 2008. Hence, the subject has remain unemploy for the past 4 years since 2009. The 10-year cycle was inauspicious for wealth and reinforced by the yearly cycle from 2009 - 2012. The income contribution of the subject was strictly from employment. There wasn't any other type of income from business, trade or partnership. Even if the Earthly Branch ( ) was auspicious but, without other source of doesn't help much as doesn't fall under the main inome but rather, the secondary income group. For the past 4-5 years, he has been on deficit without any other form of income generation. 2013 - 2014 might bring some reliefs, provided there are other sources of monetary gain. He is currently attempting to generate some returns from trade partnership. Would he be able to yield any return? We shall see......

How to determine a good 10-year cycle for Business. Sample Case 103

Luck Cycle Analysis:

Subject: Business Owner of a Fabricating Company in Singapore
Gender: Male
DOB: born on May 20, 1970
10-year Cycle: 2005 - 2014
Element: Weak Yang Mental

As you can see from the highlighted chart above, the 10-year cycle Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch formed 合成化 & 半成化 at the fourth pillar dating 2005-2014. It is an auspicious period for monetary generation as the wealth energy is very strong. And given the fact that both  劫 &  are both presents on the original 4 pillars of Destiny, it is indeed auspicious.

The subject was able to secured funding from angel investors and started his business in 2005. The first 2 years were not easy as he was building up his portfolio and customers' base. Like many new setups, he was facing cash-flow issues & strong competitions. In 2007 & 2008, business slowly stabilized and sales volume increased. However, the returns were still below his expectation. Between 2009 -2011, his luck improved significantly....high volume-based opportunities flooded in and he was working with developers on larger scale projects. As you can see from 2009-2012, it was 4 years of   consecutively either on Heavenly stem, Earthly Branch or both. Sales demand was high but, the return was still below his expectation. This was due to the profit sharing arrangement that he had with with Angel investors. Most profit generated... flow out and back to the investors, leaving the company with cash flow shortage at times. Although his wealth generation was strong but, his return is still average.

In 2013, 合杀成化 on Heavenly Stem and 半成化 on Earthly Branch. In the early part of 2013, sales demand suddenly increased 3-4 folds! It's the best year so far due to the sudden in-flood of big contracts. However, as he moves closer to 2014.....there might be a sudden occurance to his business that might cause serve impact to the future of the company based on my readings.

Next year, Ziwei dou Shu reading indicates that the year star, 太阳化忌在午宫, turn negative. Although, the sun reaches its most auspicious palace at 午宫 and radiates the most light & energy in this palace...but once it turns negative, there is a high chance that it'll affect his career or his dad as the sun is the main star of the career palace in Ziwei Dou Shui and also represents the father. Bazi for 2014 is also not auspicious cause of 才on Heavenly Stem & no 劫/to be found. It is also the last year of the 10-year cycle as you can see the above chart. Many of us consider this period as the transition year before moving into a new 10-year cycle. The next 10-year cycle, 2015-2024, indicates 杀 on Heavenly Stem and 卪 on Earthly branch. Neither of these characters symbolize wealth therefore, the wealth energy is weaker compare to the current 10-year cycle. Let's hope that things will eventually turn out well for him. :)

Bazi DIY - Understanding the 4 Pillars of Destiny

Simple illustration on the 4 Pillars of Destiny

Basic principles that you have to understand before analyzing your Bazi Chart!

1) Leave me your date of birth with your birth time plus 2 best years so far as an anonymous source at the comment section. I'll then generate the chart and post it on my blog for your viewing.

a) Heavenly Stem: Your career, wealth, status, achievements etc. that are visible and known to others. e.g. physical assets, career Status or business entity you own.

b) Earthly Branch: The foundation of your wealth, career, relationships with family members including parents etc. that might not be visible or known to others.

2) Self Analysis: Identify your main element located on the heavenly stem of your day pillar. (refer to the red circle above). And determine whether your element belongs to the weak type or strong type - My software will auto determine your type but verification of good years is still required. Although, I'll rectify your actual element and its status but it'll be good for you to understand your day element. You can google on your day element to find out more (e.g. 甲木日柱旺)

3) Based on the chart I posted on my blog, Red color elements represent the element that you need to boost or reinforce your day element. Therefore, the red color elements or the red 10-year elements are suppose to be auspicious for you theoretically. Green color elements represent a mixture of auspicious and inauspicious elements. While the Blue color elements represent the inauspicious elements. Please refer to the 10-year cycles chart below as reference.

4) The auspicious & inauspicious elements - Meanings and Definitions

Sample A:Auspicious Elements of Weak Type: e.g.甲木日柱

Auspicious Element
劫:Represent wealth, income or monetary gain from main career/job or main business (Surplus).

比:   Represent side income or monetary gain from partnership, inheritance, accidental wealth, stocks, bonds (if any) etc. not from main career or job (Surplus)

印/ Represent fame, status, progress, reputation, supporters, academic achievements etc. 

Conditional Element
官: Is only usable when there is either 印/卪on the heavenly stem. Or else, it falls under the inauspicious element category. 官 means leadership & authority, career advancement, dominance, promotion etc. that are related to your career.

杀: Same pre-requisite as above. It means authoritarian leadership, rule by the fist, alpha role in the team, and would not hesitate to eliminate any opposing force etc.

Inauspicious Elements
财/才:represent deficit in wealth or income or saving due to reasons such as unemployment, costly medical bills, losses in stocks or bad investment, business failure etc.

伤/食:represent disputes, disagreement, decision on certain issues that affect your reputation, trustworthiness, social or career status. Might result in demotion, reassignment or redeployment that is not favorable to you.

Sample B: Auspicious Elements of Strong Status: e.g.甲木日柱

财: Represent wealth, income or monetary gain from main career/job or main business (Surplus)

才: Represent side income or monetary gain from partnership, inheritance, accidental wealth, stocks, bonds (if any) etc. not from main career or job

伤/食: Represent fame, status, progress, reputation, supporters, academic achievements etc. 

官: Is only usable when there is NO 印/卪on the heavenly stem. Or else, it falls under the inauspicious element category. It means authority, advancement, dominance, promotion etc. that are related to your career.

杀: Same pre-requisite as above. It means authoritarian leadership, rule by the fist & fear, alpha role in the team, and would not hesitate to eliminate opposing force etc.

劫/比: Represent deficit in wealth or income or saving due to reasons such as unemployment, costly medical bills, losses in stocks or bad investment, business failure etc.

印/卪: Represent disputes, disagreement, decision on certain issues that affect your reputation, trustworthiness, social or career status. Might result in demotion, reassignment or redeployment that is not favorable to you.

5) Based on the above information, you should be able to perform simple analysis on your past years and the elements associated with it so to self-determine the auspicious and inauspicious years.

(note that the above information can only provide simple bazi analysis & not sufficient to go in depth)

6) Analyzing the auspicious luck cycle (10-year cycle)

Subject: Strong Yang Wood
Age: 44 - 53
Period: 甲辰


The wealth energy of the subject between 44-53 is rather auspicious as both Heavenly stem and Earthly branch are both 才. Hence, the strength of the element, 才, is reinforce due to the foundation or (有根). However, as indicated above, the wealth or income from 才 doesn't comes from your main career, job or business. The income generation comes from sidelines, partnership, stocks and bonds investment, assets investment, inheritance (if any), accidental wealth etc. resulting in surplus. If the subject is an employee and does not has much income coming from the sidelines, partnership or investments then the actual surplus might not be significant at all, and at most... an average year for the subject. But it wouldn't be a bad year.

Secondly, you probably have to check whether the original 4 pillars consist of  财/才. If it is present on the 4 pillar and you get to meet either one of the element on the 10-year cycle, it'll reinforce the original foundation and the enery will be stronger.

Thirdly, check the heavenly stem of the 4 pillars to find out whether there is a booster element, also an auspicious element. In the subject case, the boosters are either 伤 or 食. Do take note that each of the element has a Ying or Yang association. Hence, opposite element (伤-Yang + 才-Ying) or (食-Ying + 财-Yang) will generate a greater force and boost the auspicious energy further. While the impact for (食-Ying + 才Ying) or (伤-Yang + 财-Yang) are weaker but still auspicious.

Lastly, go down to the individual year and then evaluate based on the same principles. Do take the original 4 pillars and 10-year cycle into considerations. Hence, there are 4 Pillars + 10-Year Cycle Pillar (total of 5 pillars now).

Bazi reading - The 4 Pillars of Destiny

Generic Analysis 2013 - 2016

2012 – It was a very tedious year for you. Stress level increased significantly due to issues arising from work, family, kids and personal health. Career or business was not really progressing as you expected. And there was disruption in your kid’s palace that might result in minor accident or health issue.

2013 – In financial aspect, still unsatisfactory. Outflow exceeded income generation. Health issue might arise this year. In Career or business, expect more challenges ahead and not really a good year to make money but you might meet supporter that is willing to give you a helping hand. The stress level might be disruptive to your mental health. Try to take it easy and look on the brighter side.  

2014 – Slightly better than 2013 in cash flow. But there might be financial implication from others such as family members, friends or partners. Try to stay away from such financial liability that is not related to you to avoid implication by other parties.

2015 – A good year to make money. The wealth energy is strong! Hence, open your eye wide and if opportunity arises, capitalize on it immediately. But again, beware of betrayal or implication from partners or siblings.    

2016 – Good year for career advancement! If you are running your own business, it’ll be a great year to advance and expand. Cash flow healthy and more stable financially. 

Note: The year of the Rabbit (Yin Wood) and Pig (Yin Fire) compliment your Bazi. As for the year of the Goat (Yin Earth), it also compliments you as long as there is no disruption in your palace. Hence, 2015 will be a good year for wealth!

Year 2015 starts or Age 35 - 44 will be your good 10-year cycle in Ziwei Analysis as you journey arrives at the auspicious palace for wealth. Wealth energy will be stronger than the last 10 year cycle for sure. But there are still some inauspicious years during the good 10-year cycle so be cautious.

Hope the information is relevant! :) Please revert to the below information for self verification and analysis.