Monday, July 22, 2013

Bazi Reading | Risk Management on Wealth Forecast |

Bazi Reading | Risk Management on Wealth Forecast |

Establishing a forecast on wealth energy might keep you better inform and prepare when managing risk in business or career. It is not too difficult to establish a correlation between past data and future forecast. Let’s take for example on the sample chart below.

Subject: Taiwanese
Feedback from Subject indicated below.

2002: Stock Market Gain (refer to Earthly Branch)
2010: Large unexpected gain in wealth (refer to Earthly Branch)
2012: Huge monetary loss (refer to both Heavenly stem & Earthly branch)
2000: Loss of wealth

Based on feedback from the subject, we are able to draw some simple conclusion that the subject has access to main and secondary income. The main income might be stagnant while the secondary income fluctuates on a higher scale due to a higher risk from stocks market.
Based on the 10 year cycle from 2001 – 2010, only 2002 and 2010 indicated positive wealth energy, earthly branch, from secondary income. And the next equivalent will be on 2013. However, it is difficult to accurately predict the scale of the wealth generation but we can conclude that it is likely to be average & above based on past reference. (Note that expectation on scale varies among individuals) However, there is no indication of strong wealth generation on the 10-year pillar. Thus, the limitation kicks in. If there is indication on the 10-year pillar, the frequency of positive wealth generation might increase significantly and the scale is likely to be higher.

Hence, a short-term gain is insignificant compare to a sustainable gain in the long term. It is through this estimation that we can better manage our risk and minimize investment during inauspicious years. And when you study your chart and identify the positive wealth element, you can better calculate the business or investment risk based on your own judgment. Usually, in an auspicious 10-year cycle, you’ll see red color elements across a few years. Hence, the probability scale of a higher return on investment is more likely and the risk is reduced. Of course, there will still be bad years in a good 10-year cycle but on a lesser scale. Hence, you net operating profit should be higher than other 10-years cycle.

As for 2012, there is obvious indication on Ziwei chat on cash flow issue. The wealth star turn negative in 2012 and it represents loss of income, discontinue of income, financial difficulties etc. Whenever the wealth star turns negative….it is going to be a trouble year for wealth. For Bazi, the element  “qi sa” will bring upon certain negative impact even though it appears red in your chart. I can conclude that it’ll cause some major impacts on that year and later delivers a compromised alternative. Hence, be wary of this element.  

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