Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Flying Stars Feng Shui 2013 | Feng Shui Taboos 2013 | Flying Stars Taboos 2013

Taboos in Xuan Kong Feng Shui 2013

There are many negative predictions on the web on Flying Star 5 moving back to the center palace in 2013. As flying star 5 is classified as an unlucky or disastrous star, it is reinforce by its own element at the center palace, Earth Element Palace or Star 5 Palace, that might bring along negativity. But please take note that it happens once every 9 years so don't be too alarm by it. But you need to know what to avoid to prevent agitating flying star 5.

Taboos 2013 | Flying Star 5 

1) Absolutely no water feature, fish tank or any form of running water at the center of your house, using the floor plan to determine your center sector. Please take note that all the above items will strengthen flying star 5. And if either of the Water or Mountain Star is 2 or 5 or both are present at the center sector then the consequences might be even more severe. The impact might reveal itself on Feb. 4 to March 5 as Monthly Star 2 move to center sector. Yearly flying Star 5 + Monthly flying star 2....be very cautious! And if your toilet or restroom is located at the center of your house, please keep the door close at all time.

Taboos 2013 | Flying Star 2 

2) The above taboo apply to the South-West sector, which Flying Star 2 resides. Take note that Flying Star 5 affects the surrounding sectors and the impact of South-West sector will be magnify by Star 2 + Star 5, the worst combination for health and wealth. These effects will be more obvious if your main door is located at South-West sector. But only an accredited Feng Shui Master will be able to accurately map out your main door position. But if you can locate the center palace based on your floor plan then you can use a compass to measure your main door facing at the center palace. This is one of the method you can engage in DIY Feng Shui but subject to variation. Please keep the South-West sector clean and neat to avoid agitating flying star 2. No plants outside your main door if it is facing South-West and keep door closed at all time. And absolutely no red, pink, purple, yellow and brown color decoration at the main door.  

Taboos 2013 | Toilet at the center of your house 

3) It is going to be very tricky managing this combination. As you know that Flying Star 5 move to the center palace and it is greeted by your restroom. Any cure or remedy is only temporary and it is not auspicious in the long-term so better to consider relocating.

Taboos 2013 | Main Door & Corridor Area | Plants & Shoes

4) Always keep your main door area, including exterior, clean and neat. Shoes and slippers will mess out the energy of that sector and agitate the auspicious & inauspicious stars. Plants is consider wood element and it agitate earth element stars such as inauspicious star 2, 5 & auspicious star 8. Plants will also drain away the positive energy of water star 1. Hence, know the feng shui chart of your house before placing any plants outside your main door.

Taboos 2013 | Fish Tank & Water Features

As indicated above, water feature and fish tank are used as a booster to enhance energy level of Xuan Kong Flying Stars. Hence, it is good to know your house Feng Shui chart before deciding where to place it. 

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