Friday, January 18, 2013

Flying Stars Feng Shui 2013 | Feng Shui Taboos | Renovation Taboos 2013 | Understand the Consequences

Flying Stars Feng Shui 2013 | Renovation Taboos | Understand the Consequences

Renovation has an impact on your house based on Xuan Kong Feng Shui methodology. A major renovation might upgrade your house Feng Shui to a different Period that might or might not be auspicious (depending on the Flying Stars chat based on your degree facing). That also explain why the energy of some houses deteriorate or worsen after renovation. While the energy of others improve after the renovation. Let's take a look at the chart below as a comparison on how the renovation will affect your family.

Period 7 flying Stars Chart | 7.5 - 19.4 Degree

Door Facing at North( Mountain Star 7, Water Star 7)

Period 8 flying Stars Chart | 7.5 - 19.4 Degree

Door Facing at North( Mountain Star 7, Water Star 9)

Buildings or houses constructed between 1984-2003 belongs to Period 7 chart. If the building or house undergo a major renovation in Period 8 (2004 - 2023), it'll be upgrade to Period 8 chart based on the same degree facing! If you observe the 2 charts, Palace Stars and Yearly Flying Stars are not affected at all. But the Mountain Stars & Water Stars differ from the original Period 7 Chart!

Look at the North Sector or the Main Door Facing of the house, notice that it changes from ( 7, 7 ) to ( 7, 9). Water Stars & Mountain Stars are very critical for your house Feng Shui as more weight are placed on this pair. If this pair is Auspicious, it will boost Auspicious yearly flying stars and cushion Inauspicious yearly flying stars! If this pair is Inauspicious, it'll worsen the situation if Inauspicious yearly flying star , e.g. Star 2 or 5, comes to your door or downgrade the energy when Auspicious flying star, Star 8, 9, 1, move to your main door sector.

The upgrading on the Period has affected all sectors of your house as you notice that the Mountain and Water Stars of all sectors have changed. Hence, it is better to understand this basis Feng Shui facts to better prepare yourself for the renovation. Minor renovation will not upgrade your Period. Remember that the 5 principal changes have to be completed before the upgrading can come into effect.

Observe after the upgrading, certain sector turn negative. North West Sector now holds Mountain Star 2 and Water Star 5. As you might know that Mountain Star governs health and you have illness star 2 as the Mountain Star for this sector.....naturally it is inauspicious for health if you or anyone sleeping in this sector. Water Star represent wealth energy, and Star 5 is well known on the negative energy it contains. Therefore, your wealth energy will be affected if you sleep in this sector. If no room is present in this sector and it is not disturbed, you just have to cure it. The energy of this sector might not have significant impact on you or your family.  But do bare in mind that each sector represent a member of your family. I'll review more in my next article.

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