Sunday, December 2, 2012

Flying Stars 2013 - Illness Star 2 & Star 5 Effects in CNY

Inauspicious Star 2 & Star 5

Both star 2 & 5 are earth element in Xuan Kong Feng Shui. Star 2 is commonly known as an illness star while star 5 is being categorized as an "Disastrous or Unlucky or Dispute" star. The combination has the potential to generate serve impact depending on the sector that the stars reside. It might brings about pro-long sickness or maximize frequency of sickness and induced bad luck to the family. The combination effects of star 2 & 5 will magnify across time resulting on incremental and gradual impact to the family. Please also take note that the impact will be felt more by kids and seniors as they are more vulnerable to the negative energy than adults.

If the negative energy does not affect you, it doesn't mean that it is not in existence. When you enter your bad luck cycle, especially a bad 10-year cycle, the effects of star 2 & 5 will definitely boost the negative energy within you. Thereafter, unfavorable events will occur one after the others. Too many existing case samples around to provide a qualitative argument on this pair.

Mountain Star (Health) & Water Star (Wealth) Combinations

Mountain 2 & Water 2 : Health Issue magnified as similar element reinforce the negative energy
Mountain 2 & Water 5: Bad for Health, Wealth & Luck
Mountain 5 & Water 5: Serve imbalance as Negative Energy increases - can attract spiritual energy
Mountain 5 & Water 2: Bad luck and sickness

The above combinations coupled with flying star 2 or 5 will further intensify the negative energy. Any red, pink, orange, brown colors etc. at the areas where 2 & 5 resides, will magnify the negative energy as these colors are meant to boost earth element. Placement of fish tank or any type of water feature will further activate the energy of that sector.

If both star 2 & 5 reside at the sector of your main door, unless your Ziwei reading is "Tai Yang", then it is normally classified as a bad feng shui house. Even after remedies and cures, the negativity can be temporary under control. However, it is still not a suitable feng shui house to stay in.  

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