Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Flying Stars Feng Shui 2013 | Flying Stars Analysis 2013 | Flying Stars Impact |

The Great Bell Chant

(May your heart be awakened by the Great Bell Chant. And may all living things transcend the path of sorrow and death.)

May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the Cosmos...Even in the darkest spots, living beings are able to hear it clearly so that all suffering in them cease. Understanding comes to their heart and they transcend the path of sorrow and death. The universal Dharma door is already open. The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly. The miracle happens; a beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower. One single drop of this compassionate water is enough to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains. Listening to the bell, I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve. My mind calms, my body relaxes.  A smile is born on my lips. Following the sound of the bell, my breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness. In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

Flying Star Analysis

The fundamental principles of Xuan Kong Feng Shui are driven from the 9 stars. Each star represent one of the 5 elements and has a Ying or Yang association. The different combinations of these stars will either generate cohesiveness or opposing forces. Therefore, it is critical to understand the basic on how the flying stars system originates.

There are a total of 9 palaces & 9 Periods in Xuan Kong Feng Shui study (1 Period = 20 years). Below is a detail breakdown.

        (A)               (B)                                   (C)                                   (D)
(9 Palaces) x (9 Periods) x (9 Water stars x 9 Mountain stars) x  (9 Flying stars)
Permanent*  |  Permanent* |                   Permanent*                   |     Dynamic

Technically, there are a total of 59,049 combinations based on the above charts. However, there are same similarity among the totality of the charts and stars' positions at Section A should be consider as a single identity instead of 9 due to the fixed palace position. Hence, the number of combinations are reduced to 6,561 charts. But there are certain circumstances that causes Mountain & Water stars to adapt a reverse sequencing (逆飞), known as 反吟, instead of the original sequencing (顺飞) . Hence, the number of charts are increased. In practice, most Feng Shui Masters focus more on the Period x (Mountain and Water Stars) combinations to deliver cures and remedies. Therefore, the usable charts should be around 700-800 based on the 9 Periods but subject to the individual institution methodology.

Sample Chart | Flying Stars 2013 

Please take note completion date of the constructed property is used to establish the Period of the building thereafter, section A, B & C above are formed and it'll be permanent. These sections will not change unless a major renovation on your house covering the 5 aspects are met. And the renovation has to been done in a different period and confirmed by accredited Feng Shui Masters that it'll generate a more auspicious facing after upgrading the period. In 中州派玄空风水, there is another methodology that enable migration to the next period, Period 9 in this case,  known as 城門决。However, certain criteria has to be met in order to facilitate the upgrading.

The flying stars are more dynamic and changes every year. (Please refers to the flying star sequencing in my earlier post for reference). Hence, if your building and main door facing are both auspicious than the yearly flying star will boost your energy in good years and cushion your negativity in bad years. (Please take note that reverse sequencing (逆飞) cannot be applied onto the Yearly Flying Stars. By default, it is using the original sequencing (顺飞) regardless whether 反吟 or .  

No physical structure can retain its energy permanently. Once the energy of the building is depleted across time, it'll loose it's auspiciousness.. The lifespan of the energy level depends greatly on the period the structure was constructed. Example; Building A is constructed in period 7 then its energy lifespan is around 80 years! Hence, it is critical to know when your house was constructed in order to plot out the Xuan Kong Feng Shui chart of your house. 

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